Keeping Security SIEM-ple: 2022 Survey Results Revealed
With the dizzying number of systems, applications, and devices used in today’s organizations, constant data streams leave security professionals poring over endless security event alerts. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solutions aim to simplify the chaos by monitoring data sources for unusual activity to help identify and escalate critical security events. According to the 2022 SIEM Report from Cybersecurity Insiders, more than eight in 10 companies report their ability to detect threats improved after deploying SIEM.
But the fight against security incidents continues, with 40% of companies saying they suffered a business disruption last year due to a security incident. How can organizations better utilize SIEM to detect and stop threats before any damage can be done?
In this webinar, cybersecurity expert Pablo Zurro unveils results of the 2022 SIEM Report, which gauges the challenges and opportunities IT departments face related to cybersecurity and SIEM. It’s clear that SIEM is a foundational element to most security programs, with 80% of IT professionals reporting that it is very to extremely important to their organization's security posture. Learn how companies like yours are deploying SIEM solutions to:
- Protect their infrastructure against increasingly sophisticated threats
- Gauge the effectiveness of their solutions
- Monitor critical business functions