The Critical Next Steps After a Pen Test
You’ve completed a pen test and, not surprisingly, the offensive security exercise turned up multiple weak points and exploitable vulnerabilities across your enterprise environment.
Now what? How do you do ensure your pen test results are actionable and that you get the support from leadership to act on the findings? How do you assess the risk and threat level of each discovered issue and create an intelligent prioritization strategy? And how do you ensure you don’t introduce new security gaps and risks during the remediation process? Lastly, how will you know these measures properly resolved the uncovered issues?
Using sample penetration testing reports as examples, this session examines how to conduct an effective and timely pen test response, including educating leadership on the test’s findings and the key defensive steps your cybersecurity team must take once network vulnerabilities are uncovered by your OffSec experts.
Find out how other organizations are following up pen tests
Read the 2024 Pen Testing Report, which highlights the results from a survey of cybersecurity professionals, sharing data on the strengths, needs, trends, and challenges of pen testing.