Intelligent Identity and Access Management eBook
Lean how to keep your organization’s identities and accounts safe and secure
Leverage Intelligent IAM to help keep your organization’s identities and accounts secure
Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems provide the capability to create and manage user accounts, roles, and access rights for individual users in an organization. They typically incorporate user provisioning, password management, policy management, access governance, and identity repositories in an often complex design.
Because providing IAM is a huge task, you’re likely to face many challenges. You may be asked to confirm the accounts in your IAM system and the access rights for each, which can be a daunting and difficult task. Unfortunately, the environments that IAM systems support are often subject to both purposeful attacks and inadvertent permission creep due to changing roles and rights within your organization. In many organizations, periodic reviews of accounts and permissions and manual remediation tasks that try to fix them are the only way to manage rights issues.
Keeping track of who should have access to what can be a seemingly impossible and unending task. Organizations face new challenges as they provide multitudes of devices and systems access to data while attempting to manage the tangled web of rights, permission, and accounts that their users need.
Download this guide to learn how to leverage Intelligent IAM to help keep your organization’s identities and accounts safe and secure.