Infrastructure Protection for Proactive Security

To counter the ongoing persistence of cyber threats, organizations must adopt proactive security strategies that anticipate potential attacks rather than solely relying on reactive defenses.
Our Infrastructure Protection suite provides security teams with the data needed to identify weaknesses and then verify them through practical exploitation. This dual approach maps potential attack paths throughout IT infrastructures, while providing thorough assessments of defenses and security controls.
By offering concrete insights on areas requiring increased protection and guidance on remediation steps, these solutions provide a more effective and targeted security strategy, adding obstacles and reducing the window of opportunity for attackers.

Vulnerability Management & Assessment Software


Vulnerability management tools help to identify, evaluate, and report on security weaknesses that may be putting your organization at risk. Easy to deploy, low maintenance, and scalable, these solutions should help simplify your security.

Fortra VM

Encapsulating the best of our Frontline VM and beSECURE VM solutions, this risk-based vulnerability management solution utilizes proprietary scanning technology to perform comprehensive security assessments that also prioritize and track results. It also enables continuous scanning for network and application vulnerabilities, using specialized methodologies and daily updates to catch 99.9% of detectable vulnerabilities 

Web Application Scanner (WAS)

This web application scanning tool provides insight into the security state of your organization’s web applications, a list of prioritized vulnerabilities, and technical recommendations.

Active Threat Sweep (ATS)

Quickly and reliably analyzes assets for active threat activity and indications of compromise. This tool reduces dwell time and provides coverage for devices without traditional endpoint protection.


beSTORM uses dynamic application security testing and fuzz testing to assess applications, protocols, or hardware for code weaknesses, all without needing access to source code.

Penetration Testing Tools and Services


Penetration testing tools allow cybersecurity professionals to safely validate the exploitability of security weaknesses before a malicious attacker does. Automated solutions can guide testers on techniques and methods, centralize testing, and generate reports that can aid in remediation efforts.

Pen Testing Software 

The Core Impact penetration testing software allows you to safely test your environment using the same tactics as today's threat actors. Operators can use a certified exploit library to gain a foothold or pivot throughout a target environment, determining the likeliest attack path across network infrastructure, endpoints, web, and applications.

Pen Testing Services  

For organizations that need to outsource penetration testing, we offer pen testing services that include network and infrastructure penetration testing, web application penetration testing, wireless penetration testing and more.

Adversary Simulation Software


Adversary simulation tools help test the security posture of an organization to see how it will fare against real-world attacks. Typically, red teams use a portfolio of tools to help them run advanced engagements that can bypass defensive measures and detection tools, move laterally, escalate privileges, achieve persistence, exfiltrate data, and more. 

Cobalt Strike

With this advanced threat emulation tool, companies can model the tactics and techniques of a quiet long term embedded threat actor in an IT network. Ideal for performing post-exploitation tasks, Cobalt Strike can be easily modified with custom scripts, adjustable attack kits, and user-created extensions. 

Outflank Security Tooling (OST)  

This red team tooling suite was assembled and developed by experts exclusively for experienced red teams. It provides coverage for every aspect of an engagement, with tools for initial breach, lateral movements, privilege escalation, achieving persistence, and final exfiltration.  

Professional Security Services


Our cybersecurity experts offer a consultative approach, ensuring you get services tailored to your particular needs. With several different teams available, organizations can get fresh perspectives without having to change vendors.


Professional Security Services 

This trusted team of certified experts works closely with vulnerability management to perform assessments that help organizations safeguard their IT infrastructure from cyber-attacks through exercises that highlight security gaps. Their offerings include web application and network pen testing, physical security testing, social engineering, and wireless security testing.

Security Consulting Services  

This advanced security team can provide new ways to improve your security, including increasing user awareness, finding new vulnerabilities, circumventing

 access controls, and finding paths to compromise high-value assets that were not explored before. Their offerings include pen testing, software and application security testing, and red team exercises.

Red Teaming Services

These experienced red teamers with diverse specializations focus on collaborative engagements to leave organizations better prepared. Their offerings include red teaming and attack simulation, advanced penetration tests, incident response, SOC support, advisory, and blue team training. 

Have questions about any of our solutions?

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