Security for Any Business Size

Let’s not fall victim to just talking about securing our businesses or people without putting action behind it. Cyber-security has grown to be a hot topic as technology advancements continue and after many cyber-attacks, breaches and panic in 2016. When hearing details about the attacks that happened to Target, Yahoo or Anthem, you can’t help but wonder if you could be next. We are not promising that an attack will never happen to you, but that you can minimize risk if you have precautionary measures in place – such as identifying where you are most vulnerable in your network, devices and applications through penetration-testing.

No matter your business size, penetration tests can be the first line of defense to ensure your systems are working in optimal condition to keep bad actors out. No matter your business-type, pen-tests can be executed to find known vulnerabilities in your system before it is too late.

Small Companies

For small companies, security should be on the list of mission critical investments to make from day one. In this day in age, you are birthing a company in an environment that is technology-based with hundreds of thousands of known weaknesses at any given moment. The safety of your data should not come as a second thought – or something that will have to wait until you are “established”. Start out with a security plan that includes penetration-testing to look for those known weaknesses. Avoid backtracking security efforts and give everyone the sense of safety that comes with a company built with security front of mind. When starting a company, building advocates who trust your sense of security can assist with expanding a positive reputation – and your client base. Show them that you are serious about finding, patching and testing your own network so that anyone who engages with you won’t have to worry about providing personal data during any transactions. Know that word-of-mouth can either work for or against you depending on what protocols you have in place. Do this right and you can let your advocates help expand your reach in a positive manner.

Mid-sized Companies

As for mid-sized businesses, here’s hoping that you already have programs in place. Maybe it’s with password authentication or access management - every piece helps! But as we forge through the beginning of this year, look in that carved out budget for IT/Security Ops to see how you can expand your services to include penetration-testing to ensure your hard work pays off and you are patching vulnerabilities. Times are changing. New devices, networks and smart products are out there waiting to be broken into—unless you expand with them and aim to protect your services.

Large Companies

Lastly, large businesses. When you pass the SMB phase, I am confident in saying that you have hundreds of internal employees as well as external communication points – whether that be customers, support or a rolling employee base. You are asking for trouble if you don’t have routine maintenance, like pen-testing, taking place. Once your company has reached this size, it’s critical to have several security efforts in place. Large companies make headlines for their major breaches – think Yahoo, Anthem and the OPM from this past year – but never for the strong security measures in place. If you’ve yet to execute any major security efforts but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place.

This year can be different. With comprehensive penetration-testing services from Core Security, we can identify the security weaknesses across multiple points. This can help you narrow your focus on what is mission critical and plug the constant gaps in security. If you have not yet done a pen-test on your system, what are you waiting for?

What can you expect from a comprehensive pen-test? Mimicked attacks to obtain sensitive data by exploiting your security weaknesses existing across multiple systems. Not only that, but these tests reveal how networks designed even for normal, seemingly boring business operation are still subject to attackers finding their way into the backend of systems to your data. There are hundreds of thousands of vulnerabilities that exist on any given day, but knowing where to start is the hardest part. With the support of Core Security, we can help narrow your efforts and find your business’ weaknesses before the bad guys do.

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Discover how the current cyber environment is increasingly hostile to organizations, why legacy cyber defenses fall short in protecting businesses today and how to improve your security posture against critical infrastructure attacks.