CoreLabs Information Security Publications

Below is an index of publications, presentations and papers authored by members of the CoreLabs research team. Click on any title to get more information and access the publication on the CoreLabs extranet site.

Title Venue / Publication Publication Date
Killing the myth of Cisco IOS rootkits:DIK (DA IOS ROOTKIT) EuSecWest 2008, May 21-22. London, UK
Pass-the-Hash Toolkit for Windows HITB SECONF 2008 and Buenos Aires Conference (Ba-Con '08)
About Exploits Writing, Gerardo Richarte G-CON 1, ITESM Campus Estado de Mexico, Mexico
Four different tricks to bypass StackShield and StackGuard protection Corelabs Technical Report
Core Impact: Penetration Test Automation White paper
Deactivate the Rootkit Black Hat USA 2009
Modifying Windows NT Logon Credential Corelabs Technical Report
Breaking Out of VirtualBox through 3D Acceleration REcon 2014
Uncovering SAP vulnerabilities: reversing and breaking the Diag protocol Defcon 20 Conference
Automating Penetration Tests, Iván Arce - Presentation at the SANS I/O Wargames 2001 conference SANS I/O Wargames conference, September 2001, Washington D.C. USA
Windows SMEP bypass: U=S Ekoparty